DofE’s career journeys

We developed DofE personas and user journeys of the typical young person looking for work for the first time and assessed the advantage that completing a DofE programme brings. We looked at how young people go about considering their career options, what tools they use to support this, and other resources and publications to help them find work. We also explored what employers want from young people to better align with their recruitment needs (and the role a DofE Award can have in this process).

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award client said:“Green Banana Marketing provided valuable insights and resource to our project.”

2 comments on “DofE’s career journeys

  1. Edinburgh House Clearance on

    Completing my Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has given me a huge amount of confidence and allowed me to challenge myself.

    It was a fantastic experience which I will always use, in my personal life and career, as a motivation to try new things and push myself out of my comfort zone.